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If you have any questions, want to contribute your support, or wish to learn more about our ongoing efforts, we would love to hear from you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the tunnel?

It is right in the centre of Alloway Village across from the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum, Murdoch’s Loan, Alloway. KA7 4PQ, South Ayrshire, Scotland.

Is the tunnel accessible now?

Yes – currently it’s used on average by 152 walkers and 52 cyclists each day. It is open, free, and accessible for all via a ramp down from Murdoch’s Loan. The cycle path goes all the way to Greenan Shore.

Are you worried that it will be vandalised in the future?

We have been speaking to our friends at Colinton Tunnel and they have advised this has not been their experience. The local street artists were asked to be involved in the artwork during the construction phase and it was found that the taggers appreciated ‘good art’ and there have been no issues. The artist will be using a special varnish over the artwork, so that even if it is painted over, it can easily be washed off with soap and water. CCTV has been installed as a deterrent.  

How long is the tunnel?

It is 150m long and 8m wide – it will be one of the largest murals in Scotland.

How long is the cycle path?

From the tunnel in Alloway to Greenan shore it's 4KM. Traffic-free until after the sensory garden where access is permitted to a small number of residential properties.

When will the mural be completed?

The artist will start working on the mural in September 2023. It will be completed in stages. Part one will be installed in March 2024.  Completion dates for the remaining parts of the project will very much depend on our funding position.

How can I get involved in the painting of the mural?

We will be advertising dates, times and venues for our public painting workshops. Anyone can attend - whatever your age or stage in life or artistic ability, you will be able to take part. This is a community engagement project and we welcome all that want to join in. If you want to get involved in our free art mural workshops email us at to register your interest.

How much does this cost?

To achieve our ambitious and monumental project, transforming the Alloway Railway Tunnel into a local landmark we have estimated we need £200,000 to complete this project. Funding will come from a variety of sources, including sponsorship, charity donations and awards from trust funds. You can see a list of funders on our sponsors page

What will the funding raised be used for?

IInitially we will use our funding to clean and prepare the tunnel walls and ceiling; most of that is already completed.  The rest of the funding will cover artist fees and items such as creating a series of heritage films that can be accessed from the mural so that visitors can learn more about Ayrshire's history. We will also run some activities centred on the tunnel, such as guided tours which may add to our costs. In the longer-term money will be used to maintain and keep fresh the artwork.